Better Lead Generation with Content Marketing

Businesses that place a high value on targeted, quality leads need to take a serious look at Content Marketing for Lead Generation.

Of course, Content Marketing is a broad category and includes things like Blogging, Social Media, Email and Search Engine Optimization.  However, not all of these things are going to work equally well for your business.  But the ones that do work well will become outstanding avenues for your best prospects to find you.

Core Content Marketing benefits to you include the following:

  • Inbound Leads want to talk to you.
  • Viral nature of good content makes marketing more effective on a smaller budget.
  • You are more likely to capture a lead when they are researching your product or service before purchase.
  • ROI is often the best with Content Marketing if you stick with it steadily.
  • Content Marketing can improve close rates as well as generate leads.

At Buzzoodle, we have specialized in on form of Content Marketing that many companies have leveraged to grow their business while keeping costs low.  Our fixed monthly cost to publish a targeted magazine online that attracts your target market is the vehicle we use to leverage Internet tools and strategies to make our clients more visible.

If you place a high value on a low volume of quality leads each month, then this form of Content Marketing is a good fit for you.

If people frequently do searches online for your kind of product or service, then this form of Content Marketing is a good fit for you.

If you are successfully spending money on pay per click and your website is converting, then adding this form of Content Marketing is a good fit for you.

If having higher visibility in your industry would benefit you, then this form of Content Marketing is a great fit for you.

The key to understanding how an online magazine benefits your company is to understand that it will boost the effectiveness of your other sales and marketing efforts, but it will not function as well if it is your only Marketing activity.

Buzzoodle Products and Services

Buzzoodle creates an Online Magazine targeting your ideal clients to improve your visibility and lead generation. – View Pricing and Programs or give us a call at (330) 931-4488