What is Content Marketing?

Content Marketing is when the company creates quality content to educate perspective buyers and attract a bigger audience of perspective buyers through the publication of educational and interesting materials through a variety of channels.

content marketingHow does Content Marketing affect Search Engine Optimization?

Content Marketing has a huge impact on search engine optimization.  In fact, half of what search engine optimization is, is Content Marketing.  Search engine optimization combines creating great content at targets particular keyword phrases and also develops and links back to that content with the intention of ranking higher in search engines.  Content Marketing has similar goals with less emphasis on particular phrases and more emphasis on visitor engagement.  However they are very similar strategies and helping each other when done well.

How does Content Marketing affect Social Media Marketing?

Content Marketing also has a big impact on Social Media Marketing.  It is much easier to promote yourself on social media when you have quality content a link to.  Instead of struggling to find something to say in your social media accounts you can simply link to your new content each and every week and people will be glad to click through and visit your site if the topic interests them.

10 Ways Content Marketing improves Lead Generation

Now let’s go into detail on 10 ways Content Marketing impacts your lead generation efforts.

1. Boost in Site Ranking

Your site is going to rank better in search engines if you have a consistent Content Marketing effort.  The simple fact is that more content and more links from outside to your content is going to boost the ranking over time of your main website.  This is true even if the Content Marketing is being done up side of the core site and only linking back.  Search engines look at sites that are getting fresh links and fresh content and rank them higher.  Search engine optimization is one of the lowest cost and highest quality lead generation strategies companies are pursuing today.

2. More Long Tail Traffic

Long tail keywords are phrases that may not have high search engine traffic volume but are very targeted and have low competition so you do not have a lot of other sites competing with you in order to rank well for the keyword phrase.  The more content you create the more long tail phrases you will rank for.  It is simple math.

3. More Natural Linking

Buying bulk links to your website can actually damage your search engine ranking.  However, getting natural links back to your site through other sites that have high quality content as well as through social media will boost your ranking and improve your chances for generating leads from search engines.  The more content you create that is of high quality and interesting to readers the more chances that people will link back to you without you needing to ask for it.  This will boost your traffic and ranking considerably over time.

4. More Site Visitor Engagement

More content and better content improves visitor engagement.  One thing that can affect your search if engine ranking is your bounce rate and the time people spend on your site.  The more quality content you have on your site the longer people will stay and read more things.  This helps you develop a better prospect and also is seen by search engines as an indicator that your site is of high value and should be rank better.

5. More Social Media Visibility

Creating more content gives you the opportunity to promote yourself more frequently and better in social media.  It also gives other people more opportunity’s to promote you.  This will happen when people repost your posts in social media and also when they interact with buttons on your site that link to their social media accounts.  Each person that promotes you in their social media account is exposing your message to hundreds or thousands of new people.  This has very high value even if all those people are not online at that time.

6. More Market Credibility

The more quality content you post the more you’re going to be seen as a market leader.  As an expert in the field who publishes content regularly you will have more opportunities to promote yourself in different places and more people will want to do business with you.  This can even lead to speaking opportunities and partnerships that you otherwise would not have gotten.  Content Marketing is not just about driving more web traffic, but also about using quality content to interact with people in many different ways.

7. More Calls to Action

Your call to action is your request to a visitor to contact you, buy your product, or sign up for something.  Each new page on your website, blog, or social media account get your call to action in front of additional people.  If you do a good job of asking people to do things at the end of an article or in an ad in the side of an article you are naturally going to generate more leads.  It is inevitable.

8. More Referrals

The more quality content you create the more people are going to refer others to you as well.  Your contents helps you keep in touch with people better and when you do this you stay top of mind and get more referrals.  It may not seem like referrals are a natural result of Content Marketing, but just think about how many more times people will see you and your message if you are putting out regular content on blogs, newsletters, social media accounts and more.  Sometimes people in your audience are going to push your information to a friend that they know needs the information.

9. More Channels of Lead Generation

Content Marketing makes it much easier to produce content in many different channels.  If you are only focused on writing content in one place and not promoting it in other places you’re not going to get as good of results.  You should consider all the different channels where people go to find information about your topic.  Video, podcasts, articles, news, social media posts, newsletters and the even reports are always people get information.  The more different channels you use the broader your appeal to more people.

10.  More Overall Traffic

When a Content Marketing strategy is executed properly it produces a lot of useful and engaging information and push is that information out through a variety of channels all resulting in increased traffic to your main website and lead generation for your products and services.  Overall website traffic numbers will continue to go up the longer you keep consistently doing this strategy.  This typically results in significant lead generation increases within months of execution when you are consistent about the effort.

We created Buzzoodle to help busy business owners do a better job of Content Marketing without needing to write often themselves.

While many agencies can set up a site for you, they often do not want to take on the role of being your online magazine editor and helping you promote your business consistently every week for many different channels.

Our goal is to build a targeted online magazine that is appealing to your target market and where you are the exclusive sponsor so that all leads go to you.  What makes this Marketing strategy different is that we do everything for you and you simply contribute when you have time.  To find out more check out our pricing page and fill out the form below it if you have any questions or think it’s a good strategy for you.  I look forward to talking to you about having Buzzoodle help you with your publishing and Content Marketing strategies.