People look for ways to make money with a WordPress blog all the time.

In fact, WordPress could be seen as a key ingredient of the secret sauce of making money online.

The reason is that WordPress is easy to set up, very flexible, free and have tons of plugins that can make it do nearly anything.

We focus on WordPress as the core tool for online lead generation.  However, there are many ways to make money with WordPress.

  1. Affiliate Marketing – Sell other people’s products.
  2. Ads – Build up your traffic and then use pay per click advertising to generate revenue.
  3. Paid Posts – While we do not do this currently, there are people that will pay you to post something about their product online.
  4. Sell links – once your WordPress blog has page rank you can sell links on it.

These are just a few of the common and easy ways to generate income with WordPress.  But remember, it is not WordPress that makes this happen.  It is the strategies you use with WordPress as the tool.