The 7 Deadly Sins of Landing Page Design with Tim Ash


In this webinar Tim Ash, a leading landing page optimization specialist and author of “Landing Page Optimization,” covers the “7 Deadly Sins” of landing page design… and how to correct them. Watch this webinar to learn best practices and increase your conversions now!

Public Comment

Stumbled upon this video on landing page design.  In lead generation it is often overlooked by people putting up their first lead generation website.  This takes thought and effort and testing.

Public Comment

great video! I would improve the typesetting a little – change the font from arial to helvetica and manually kern the headings

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Great video! Was very helpful.

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thanks it is really good

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I found a wonderful affiliate program that’s founded on helping others. Feel free to review the video on my page.

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hey bro, thank you for giving a shit enough to post this on youtube,.. I’m nearly finished with my SEO school classes and I know that this field is expensive and I want to be just like you. I will download all of your videos and study the shit out of them and charge people for my services. thanks. dean

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sorry if you dont know html (its pretty easy to do if you spend a min) but you need to pay a consultant an hour to do it for you… im going to assume you have some cookie cutter website from godaddy and dont have a real developer… pay an hour and get the benefits of the a/b conversion testing

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hey you guys keep saying that it’s easy to test with the A/B test experience page , but in order to get your site verified a person must copy and paste the HTML code into the page and I can not understand how to do that at all… I use blogger, and my web site is hosted by godaddy, and niether of them allow such pasting. what can i do to learn how to do this? dean

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I am working on a new campaign and will spend more effort on it than anything else I’ve done online before, so I really need excellent information like this. Thank you very much for providing this at no cost.

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Good topic but unfortunately very low video quality as with most videos from Google…

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Excellent ideas for optimizing!

Public Comment

this video is great, thank you.

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It would be great if the rest of us could post videos more than an hour long.

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Audio is good for me, maybe its your speakers

Public Comment

it would be really great if you could improve the audio quality in such videos.

Source: YouTube